Pada postingan ini saya ingin membagikan cheat Rune Factory 2
game ini seperti harvestmoon tetapi bisa bertarung dengan monster,memelihara monster, dan menyelesaikan berbagai macam quest dari penduduk.
Max Money (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000
02134FB8 05F5E0FF
D2000000 00000000
Character Codes
All skills level 99
C0000000 0000000B
12134FC4 0000FA00
DC000000 00000008
D2000000 00000000
Level 99, Max Exp
02134F00 00FFFFFF
HP 999/999
12134F08 000003E7
12134F0A 000003E7
HP Never Decrease
DA000000 02136F0A
D7000000 02136F08
D2000000 00000000
Vitality and Defense 99
02134F24 00000063
Strength and Attack 99
02134F18 00000063
Magic Attack 100, Magic Def 38, Intelligence 99
02134F1C 00000063
Time Codes
Time Never Increase (Hold R to Increase by 59 minutes)
2212EC80 00000000
94000130 FEFF0000
2212EC80 0000003B
D2000000 00000000
Time Reset Back to x:00 minute (example press L time 10:32 --> 10:30)
94000130 FDFF0000
2212EC80 00000000
D2000000 00000000
Time Forward to x:59 minute (example press R time 10:01 --> 10:59)
94000130 FEFF0000
2212EC80 00000000
D2000000 00000000
Chapter 1 Friendship Max (Select + UP)
94000130 FFBB0000
C0000000 00000018
221369EB 000000FF
DC000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
Chapter 1 Love Max (Select + Down)
94000130 FF7B0000
C0000000 0000000B
1212BCBE 0000FFFF
DC000000 00000002
D2000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
Chapter 2 Friendship Max (Select + UP)
94000130 FFBB0000
C0000000 00000018
22136A18 000000FF
DC000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
Chapter 2 Love Max (Select + Down)
94000130 FF7B0000
C0000000 0000000B
12136A46 0000FFFF
DC000000 00000002
D2000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
94000130 FF7B0000
C0000000 00000018
22136A72 000000FF
DC000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
Good Relationship with Monster (Select + Left)
94000130 FFDB0000
C0000000 00000004
22135CC6 0000000A
DC000000 00000014
D2000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
Plot Items
123DFFE2 0000FFFF
123DFFE4 0000FFFF
Some Items For Shelf (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000
021352BC 09090034
021352B8 09090033
021352C0 09090045
021352C4 09090058
021352C8 090900D4
021352CC 09090277
021352D0 09090276
021352D4 09090031
021352D8 0909027C
D2000000 00000000
Some Food And Veggies for Fridge (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000
02135150 090900E2
02135154 09090001
02135158 090900A0
0213515C 0909001F
02135160 09090004
02135164 09090011
02135168 090900BF
0213516C 090900C7
02135170 090900E0
D2000000 00000000
Equipped Item (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000
02135080 050101B8
02135084 060101A9
02135088 070101B3
0213508C 01010252
02135090 06010251
02135094 010101DB
02135098 010101FC
D2000000 00000000
Weapon,Medicine,Food,Gems,Tools,Pole for Backpack Total 36 Items(Select)
*Warning items placed on slot 1 to 36 might be replaced upon activation of code
94000130 FFFB0000
0213509C 09090020
021350A0 0909000F
021350A4 0909027C
021350A8 09090067
021350AC 0909000B
021350B0 0909001D
021350B4 090900E2
021350B8 090900BA
021350BC 09090001
021350C0 09090033
021350C4 090900B5
021350C8 09090276
021350CC 09090277
021350D0 09090278
021350D4 09090279
021350D8 0909027A
021350DC 0909027B
021350E0 090901D2
021350E4 09090018
021350E8 090901BB
021350EC 090900BF
021350F0 0909009A
021350F4 09090098
021350F8 090902DC
021350FC 09090031
02135100 090900A0
02135104 09090033
02135108 09090034
0213510C 09090045
02135110 09090058
02135114 090900D4
02135118 09090202
0213511C 0909019C
02135120 09090268
02135124 09090267
02135128 0909011C
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
02134FB8 05F5E0FF
D2000000 00000000
Character Codes
All skills level 99
C0000000 0000000B
12134FC4 0000FA00
DC000000 00000008
D2000000 00000000
Level 99, Max Exp
02134F00 00FFFFFF
HP 999/999
12134F08 000003E7
12134F0A 000003E7
HP Never Decrease
DA000000 02136F0A
D7000000 02136F08
D2000000 00000000
Vitality and Defense 99
02134F24 00000063
Strength and Attack 99
02134F18 00000063
Magic Attack 100, Magic Def 38, Intelligence 99
02134F1C 00000063
Time Codes
Time Never Increase (Hold R to Increase by 59 minutes)
2212EC80 00000000
94000130 FEFF0000
2212EC80 0000003B
D2000000 00000000
Time Reset Back to x:00 minute (example press L time 10:32 --> 10:30)
94000130 FDFF0000
2212EC80 00000000
D2000000 00000000
Time Forward to x:59 minute (example press R time 10:01 --> 10:59)
94000130 FEFF0000
2212EC80 00000000
D2000000 00000000
Chapter 1 Friendship Max (Select + UP)
94000130 FFBB0000
C0000000 00000018
221369EB 000000FF
DC000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
Chapter 1 Love Max (Select + Down)
94000130 FF7B0000
C0000000 0000000B
1212BCBE 0000FFFF
DC000000 00000002
D2000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
Chapter 2 Friendship Max (Select + UP)
94000130 FFBB0000
C0000000 00000018
22136A18 000000FF
DC000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
Chapter 2 Love Max (Select + Down)
94000130 FF7B0000
C0000000 0000000B
12136A46 0000FFFF
DC000000 00000002
D2000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
94000130 FF7B0000
C0000000 00000018
22136A72 000000FF
DC000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
Good Relationship with Monster (Select + Left)
94000130 FFDB0000
C0000000 00000004
22135CC6 0000000A
DC000000 00000014
D2000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
Plot Items
123DFFE2 0000FFFF
123DFFE4 0000FFFF
Some Items For Shelf (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000
021352BC 09090034
021352B8 09090033
021352C0 09090045
021352C4 09090058
021352C8 090900D4
021352CC 09090277
021352D0 09090276
021352D4 09090031
021352D8 0909027C
D2000000 00000000
Some Food And Veggies for Fridge (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000
02135150 090900E2
02135154 09090001
02135158 090900A0
0213515C 0909001F
02135160 09090004
02135164 09090011
02135168 090900BF
0213516C 090900C7
02135170 090900E0
D2000000 00000000
Equipped Item (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000
02135080 050101B8
02135084 060101A9
02135088 070101B3
0213508C 01010252
02135090 06010251
02135094 010101DB
02135098 010101FC
D2000000 00000000
Weapon,Medicine,Food,Gems,Tools,Pole for Backpack Total 36 Items(Select)
*Warning items placed on slot 1 to 36 might be replaced upon activation of code
94000130 FFFB0000
0213509C 09090020
021350A0 0909000F
021350A4 0909027C
021350A8 09090067
021350AC 0909000B
021350B0 0909001D
021350B4 090900E2
021350B8 090900BA
021350BC 09090001
021350C0 09090033
021350C4 090900B5
021350C8 09090276
021350CC 09090277
021350D0 09090278
021350D4 09090279
021350D8 0909027A
021350DC 0909027B
021350E0 090901D2
021350E4 09090018
021350E8 090901BB
021350EC 090900BF
021350F0 0909009A
021350F4 09090098
021350F8 090902DC
021350FC 09090031
02135100 090900A0
02135104 09090033
02135108 09090034
0213510C 09090045
02135110 09090058
02135114 090900D4
02135118 09090202
0213511C 0909019C
02135120 09090268
02135124 09090267
02135128 0909011C
D2000000 00000000
Place Items In Shelf All 30 Slots
94000130 FFFB0000 021352B8 XXYYZZZZ (Slot1) 021352BC XXYYZZZZ 021352C0 XXYYZZZZ 021352C4 XXYYZZZZ 021352C8 XXYYZZZZ 021352CC XXYYZZZZ 021352D0 XXYYZZZZ 021352D4 XXYYZZZZ 021352D8 XXYYZZZZ 021352DC XXYYZZZZ 021352E0 XXYYZZZZ 021352E4 XXYYZZZZ 021352E8 XXYYZZZZ 021352EC XXYYZZZZ 021352F0 XXYYZZZZ 021352F4 XXYYZZZZ 021352F8 XXYYZZZZ 021352FC XXYYZZZZ 02135300 XXYYZZZZ 02135304 XXYYZZZZ 02135308 XXYYZZZZ 0213530C XXYYZZZZ 02135310 XXYYZZZZ 02135314 XXYYZZZZ 02135318 XXYYZZZZ 0213531C XXYYZZZZ 02135320 XXYYZZZZ 02135324 XXYYZZZZ 02135328 XXYYZZZZ 0213532C XXYYZZZZ (Slot30) D2000000 00000000 You can delete slot lines if you dont need them, such as if you only want lines 1-3 94000130 FFFB0000 021352B8 XXYYZZZZ (Slot1) 021352BC XXYYZZZZ 021352C0 XXYYZZZZ D2000000 00000000 XX=Item Level -1 (for example if you want level 10 you put in 09) YY=Number of Items ZZZZ=Item(Shown Below) 0000-Cabbage 0001-Pink Turnip 0002-Pink Melon 0003-Onion 0004-Pumpkin 0005-Cucumber 0006-Corn 0007-Tomato 0008-Eggplant 0009-Yam 000A-Potato 000B-Carrot 000C-Green Pepper 000D-Spinach 000E-Turnip 000F-Daikon Radish 0010-Leek 0011-White Cabbage 0012-Hot-Hot Fruit 0013-Bamboo Sprout 0014-Gold Cabbage 0015-Gold Pumpkin 0016-Gold Potato 0017-Gold Turnip 0018-Strawberry 0019-Pineapple 001A-Grape 001B-Apple 001C-Orange 001D-Toyherb 001E-Moondrop 001F-Pink Cat 0020-Charm Blue 0021-Medicinal Herb 0022-Antidote Herb 0023-Black Grass 0024-Orange Grass 0025-Red Grass 0026-Yellow Grass 0027-Blue Grass 0028-Green Grass 0029-Purple Grass 002A-Indigo Grass 002B-White Grass 002C-Weeds 002D-Withered Grass 002E-Cherry Grass 002F-Lamp Grass 0030-Blue Crystal 0031-Emery Flower 0032-Ironleaf 0033-4-Leaf Clover 0034-Fireflower 0035-Green Crystal 0036-Noel Grass 0037-Autumn Grass 0038-Pom-Pom Grass 0039-Red Crystal 003A-White Crystal 003B-Protein Boost 003C-Mental Supplement 003D-Vital Gummi 003E-Heart Drink 003F-Antidote Potion 0040-Para-Gone 0041-Roundoff 0042-Cold Medicine 0043-Formuade 0044-Health It 0045-Invinciroid 0046-Levelizer 0047-Heavy Spice 0048-Sweet Powder 0049-Sour Drop 004A-Mixed Herbs 004B-Failed Dish 004C-Masu Trout Sashimi 004D-Char Sashimi 004E-Rainbow Sashimi 004F-Salmon Sashimi 0050-Cherry Sashimi 0051-Taimen Sashimi 0052-Snapper Sashimi 0053-Glitter Sashimi 0054-Lover Sashimi 0055-Girella Sashimi 0056-Skipjack Sashimi 0057-Y.Tail Sashimi 0058-Tuna Sashimi 0059-Sardine Sashimi 005A-Needlefish Sashimi 005B-Pike Sashimi 005C-Flounder Sashimi 005D-Turbot Sashimi 005E-Fall Sashimi 005F-Squid Sashimi 0060-Sunsquid Sashimi 0061-Lamp Squid Sashimi 0062-Blowfish Sashimi 0063-Lobster Sashimi 0064-Shrimp Sashimi |
0065-Fried Veggies
0066-Friend Rice 0067-Cabbage Cakes 0068-French Fries 0069-Croquettes 006A-Popcorn 006B-Cornflakes 006C-Miso Eggplant 006D-Fried Eggs 006E-Omlet 006F-Omlet Rice 0070-Baked Apple 0071-Curry Bread 0072-French Toast 0073-Donuts 0074-Fried Udon 0075-Tempura 0076-Pancakes 0077-Gyoza 0078-Risotto 0079-Dry Curry 007A-Salted Masu Trout 007B-Salted Char 007C-Salted R. Trout 007D-Salted C. Salmon 007E-Salted Chub 007F-Salted Salmon 0080-Salted Taimen 0081-Fried Crucian Carp 0082-Fried Gibelio 0083-Fried Snapper 0084-Fried Girella 0085-Fried G. Snapper 0086-Fried L. Snapper 0087-Fried Skipjack 0088-Fried Mackerel 0089-Fried Yellowtail 008A-Salted Pond Smelt 008B-Tuna Teriyaki 008C-Dried Sardines 008D-Fried Needlefish 008E-Salted Pike 008F-Fried Flounder 0090-Fried Turbot 0091-Fried F. Flounder 0092-Fried Squid 0093-Fried Sunsquid 0094-Fried L. Squid 0095-Fried Blowfish 0096-Grilled Lobster 0097-Grilled Shrimp 0098-Hot Milk 0099-Hot Chocolate 009A-Grape Liqueur 009B-Boiled Pumpkin 009C-Boiled Spinach 009D-Boiled Egg 009E-Glazed Yam 009F-Boiled Gyoza 00A0-Strawberry Jam 00A1-Apple Jam 00A2-Grape Jam 00A3-Marmalade 00A4-Cheese Fondue 00A5-Udon 00A6-Curry Udon 00A7-Tempura Udon 00A8-Rice Porridge 00A9-Milk Porridge 00AA-Tempura Bowl 00AB-Egg Bowl 00AC-Stew 00AD-Curry Rice 00AE-Ultimate Curry 00AF-Royal Curry 00B0-Relax Tea 00B1-Flavored Dish 00B2-Union Stew 00B3-Corn on the Cob 00B4-Baked Rice Ball 00B5-Roasted Yam 00B6-Toast 00B7-Jam Roll 00B8-Butter Roll 00B9-Pizza 00BA-Seafood Pizza 00BB-Doria 00BC-Seafood Doria 00BD-Gratin 00BE-Seafood Gratin 00BF-Sweetie Potato 00C0-Cookie 00C1-Chocolate Cookie 00C2-Cake 00C3-Chocolate Cake 00C4-Cheesecake 00C5-Apple Pie 00C6-Pineapple Juice 00C7-Tomato Juice 00C8-Grape Juice 00C9-Orange Juice 00CA-Apple Juice 00CB-Strawberry Milk 00CC-Fruit Juice 00CD-Fruit Ole 00CE-Vegetable Juice 00CF-Vegetable Ole 00D0-Mixed Juice 00D1-Mixed Ole 00D2-Ketchup 00D3-Butter 00D4-Gold Juice 00D5-Prelude to Love 00D6-Hot Juice 00D7-Steamed Bread 00D8-Cheese Bread 00D9-Meat Dumpling 00DA-Chinese Manju 00DB-Curry Manju 00DC-Steamed Gyoza 00DD-Poundcake 00DE-Steamed Cake 00DF-Pudding 00E0-Pumpkin Pudding 00E1-Dumplings 00E2-Salad 00E3-Sandwich 00E4-Fruit Sandwich 00E5-Pickled Turnip 00E6-Pickles 00E7-Mushroom Rice 00E8-Raisin Bread 00E9-Ice Cream 00EA-Relax Tealeaves 00EB-Rice Ball 00EC-Bread 00ED-Salmon Rice Ball 00EE-Pickle Mix 00EF-Turnip Heaven 00F0-Rice 00F1-Chocolate 00F2-Wine 00F3-Youth Grass 00F4-Small Milk 00F5-Medium Milk 00F6-Large Milk 00F7-Small Egg 00F8-Medium Egg 00F9-Large Egg 00FA-Small Mayonnaise 00FB-Medium Mayonnaise 00FC-Large Mayonnaise 00FD-Small Cheese 00FE-Medium Cheese 00FF-Large Cheese 0100-Small Yogurt 0101-Meduim Yogurt 0102-Large Yogurt 0103-Honey 0104-Flour 0105-Oil 0106-Curry Powder 0107-Dumpling Powder
Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic.
Arthur C. Clarke |
(Topic Creator)7 years ago
0109-Steel Sword 010A-Windsword 010B-Aquasword 010C-Defender 010D-Aerial Blade 010E-Burnin' Blade 010F-Sakura 0110-Luck Blade 0111-Platinum Sword 0112-Raventine 0113-Icifier 0114-Soul Eater 0115-Smash Blade 0116-Dragonslayer 0117-Sunspot 0118-Star Saber 0119-Gaia Sword 011A-Grantale 011B-Chaos Blade 011C-Rune Blade 011D-Steel Sword+ 011E-Platinum Sword+ 011F-Cutlass 0120-Back Scratcher 0121-Durandel 0122-Gravios 0123-Gorgeous Sword 0124-Claymore 0125-Zweihander 0126-Flame Saber 0127-Cyclone Blade 0128-Dancing Dicer 0129-Great Sword 012A-Heaven Asunder 012B-Grand Smasher 012C-Blue Eyed Blade 012D-Poison Blade 012E-Steel Slicer 012F-Flamberge 0130-Shine Blade 0131-Earth Shade 0132-Bio Smasher 0133-Punisher 0134-Sea Cutter 0135-Volcannon 0136-Snow Crown 0137-Moon Shadow 0138-Omni-Elemental 0139-Zweihander+ 013A-Flamberge+ 013B-Katzbalger 013C-Big Knife 013D-Katana 013E-Balmung 013F-Super Psycho 0140-Spear 0141-Lance 0142-Needle Spear 0143-Halberd 0144-Water Spear 0145-Blood Lance 0146-Wooden Staff 0147-Poison Spear 0148-Corsesca 0149-Silent Grave 014A-Flare Lance 014B-Heavy Lance 014C-Iseberk 014D-Metus 014E-Monk Staff 014F-Overbreak 0150-Brionac 0151-Feather Lance 0152-Belvarose 0153-Bjor 0154-Gungnir 0155-Lance+ 0156-Corsesca+ 0157-Trident 0158-Pitchfork 0159-Dragon's Fang 015A-Gáe Bolg 015B-Magical Lance 015C-Old Hammer 015D-Iron Hammer 015E-Silver Hammer 015F-Golden Hammer 0160-Platinum Hammer 0161-Battle Hammer 0162-War Hammer 0163-Great Hammer 0164-Schnabel 0165-Gigant Hammer 0166-Myurnil 0167-Spiked Hammer 0168-Flame Hammer 0169-Ice Hammer 016A-Sky Hammer 016B-Gravit Hammer 016C-Bone Hammer 016D-Crystal Hammer 016E-War Hammer 016F-Gigant Hammer 0170-Hammer 0171-Rusty Axe 0172-Chopping Axe 0173-Lumber Axe 0174-Mountain Axe 0175-Miracle Axe 0176-Battle-Axe 0177-Pole Axe 0178-Alldale 0179-Great Axe 017A-Demon Axe 017B-Crescent Axe 017C-Executioner 017D-Heat Axe 017E-Frost Axe 017F-Tomahawk 0180-Rock Axe 0181-Double Edge 0182-Saint Axe 0183-Pole Axe+ 0184-Crescent Axe+ 0185-Axe 0186-Rusty Sickle 0187-Iron Sickle 0188-Quality Sickle 0189-Super Sickle 018A-Legend Sickle 018B-Sickle 018C-Old Waterpot 018D-Tin Waterpot 018E-Lion Waterpot 018F-Rainbow Waterpot 0190-Joy Waterpot 0191-Waterpot 0192-Rusty Hoe 0193-Sturdy Hoe 0194-Seasoned Hoe 0195-Shiny Hoe 0196-Blessed Hoe 0197-Hoe 0198-Old Pole 0199-Beginner's Pole 019A-Intermediate Pole 019B-Famous Pole 019C-Sacred Pole 019D-Pole 019E-Rod 019F-Staff 01A0-Silver Staff 01A1-Flare Staff 01A2-Ice Staff 01A3-Lightning Rod 01A4-Earth Staff 01A5-Wizard's Staff 01A6-Mage's Staff 01A7-Rune Staff 01A8-Mage's Staff+ 01A9-Magic Broom |
01AA-Small Shield
01AB-Bronze Shield 01AC-Round Shield 01AD-Platinum Shield 01AE-Heavy Shield 01AF-Knight Shield 01B0-Rune Shield 01B1-Magic Shield 01B2-Prism Shield 01B3-Element Shield 01B4-Chaos Shield 01B5-Tortoise Shield 01B6-Bone Shield 01B7-Kite Shield 01B8-Magical Shield 01B9-Aquamarine Ring 01BA-Amethyst Ring 01BB-Emerald Ring 01BC-Sapphire Ring 01BD-Diamond Ring 01BE-Ruby Ring 01BF-Happy Ring 01C0-Cursed Ring 01C1-Fire Ring 01C2-Wind Ring 01C3-Water Ring 01C4-Earth Ring 01C5-Silver Ring 01C6-Gold Ring 01C7-Platinum Ring 01C8-Critical Ring 01C9-Silent Ring 01CA-Paralyze Ring 01CB-Poison Ring 01CC-Magic Ring 01CD-Cheap Bracelet 01CE-Bronze Bracelet 01CF-Silver Bracelet 01D0-Gold Bracelet 01D1-Platinum Bracelet 01D2-Aquamarine Brooch 01D3-Amethyst Brooch 01D4-Emerald Brooch 01D5-Sapphire Brooch 01D6-Diamond Brooch 01D7-Ruby Brooch 01D8-Pendant 01D9-Heart Pendant 01DA-Star Pendant 01DB-Sun Pendant 01DC-Gale Pendant 01DD-Tear Pendant 01DE-Earth Pendant 01DF-Silver Hairpin 01E0-Gold Hairpin 01E1-Amulet 01E2-Earring 01E3-Fancy Hat 01E4-Charm 01E5-Leather Belt 01E6-Lucky Strike 01E7-Talisman 01E8-Champion Belt 01E9-Leather Gloves 01EA-Field Gloves 01EB-Pin 01EC-Pierced Earring 01ED-Hachimaki 01EE-Feathered Cap 01EF-Power Gloves 01F0-Brand Glasses 01F1-Fireproof Hood 01F2-Evil Charm 01F3-Magic Earring 01F4-Ring Shield 01F5-Rosary 01F6-Courage Badge 01F7-Feather Boots 01F8-Heavy Boots 01F9-Leather Boots 01FA-Knight Boots 01FB-Proof of Heroism 01FC-Proof of Wisdom 01FD-Handknit Hat 01FE-Handknit Scarf 01FF-Fluffy Scarf 0200-Art of Attack 0201-Art of Defense 0202-Art of Magic 0203-Fur Sleeping Bag 0204-Harvest Basket 0205-Brush 0206-Clippers 0207-Milker 0208-Empty Bottle 0209-Recovery Potion 020A-Healing Potion 020B-Mystery Potion 020C-Pet Glove 020D-Magnifying Glass 020E-Turnip Seed 020F-Potato Seed 0210-Cucumber Seed 0211-Strawberry Seed 0212-Cabbage Seed 0213-Moondrop Seed 0214-Toyherb Seed 0215-Tomato Seed 0216-Corn Seed 0217-Onion Seed 0218-Pumpkin Seed 0219-Pineapple Seed 021A-Pink Cat Seed 021B-Eggplant Seed 021C-Carrot Seed 021D-Yam Seed 021E-Spinach Seed 021F-Green Pepper Seed 0220-Charm Blue Seed 0221-Grass Seed 0222-Cherry Grass Seed 0223-Lamp Grass Seed 0224-Blue Crystal Seed 0225-Emery Flower Seed 0226-Ironleaf Seed 0227-Clover Seed 0228-Fireflower Seed 0229-G.Crystal Seed 022A-Noel Grass Seed 022B-Autumn Grass Seed 022C-Pom-Pom G. Seed 022D-Red Crystal Seed 022E-W. Crystal Seed 022F-Pink Turnip Seeds 0230-Daikon Seeds 0231-Leek Seeds 0232-W. Cabbage Seed 0233-Gold Cabbage Seed 0234-Gold Pumpkin Seeds 0235-Gold Potato Seed 0236-Gold Turnip Seeds 0237-Pink Melon Seeds 0238-Hot-Hot F. Seed 0239-Fireball (Green) 023A-Water Laser (Green) 023B-Life Drain (Green) 023C-Cure (Green) 023D-Stone Spike (Green) 023E-Sonic Wind (Green) 023F-Medication (Green) 0240-Escape 0241-Shine (Green) 0242-Fireball (Red) 0243-Water Laser (Red) 0244-Life Drain (Red) 0245-Cure (Red) 0246-Stone Spike (Red) 0247-Sonic Wind (Red) 0248-Medication (Red) 0249-Shine (Red) 024A-Fireball (Blue) 024B-Water Laser (Blue) 024C-Life Drain (Blue) 024D-Cure (Blue) 024E-Stone Spike (Blue) 024F-Sonic Wind (Blue) 0250-Medication (Blue) 0251-Shine (Blue) 0252-Dragon Break |
0253-Power Wave
0254-Dash Slash
0255-Rush Attack 0256-Triple Strike 0257-Gale Blade 0258-Naïve Blade 0259-Thrust Strike 025A-Flash Strike 025B-Hundred Cracker 025C-Hammer Fall 025D-Giant Swing 025E-String Shot 025F-Special Concerto 0260-Striking March 0261-Inquisitive Waltz 0262-Neutral Agent 0263-Greenifier 0264-Formula A 0265-Formula B 0266-Formula C 0267-Friendly Syrup 0268-Cupid's Kiss 0269-Pet Food 026A-Feed 026B-Small Fleece 026C-Medium Fleece 026D-Large Fleece 026E-Small Yarn Ball 026F-Medium Yarn Ball 0270-Large Yarn Ball 0271-Scrap Iron 0272-Iron 0273-Bronze 0274-Silver 0275-Gold 0276-Platinum 0277-Diamond 0278-Ruby 0279-Emerald 027A-Sapphire 027B-Amethyst 027C-Aquamarine 027D-Cheap Cloth 027E-Quality Cloth 027F-Silk Cloth 0280-Arrowhead 0281-Proof of Warrior 0282-Glue 0283-Cheap Bandage 0284-Gunpowder 0285-Earth Crystal 0286-Devil Horn 0287-Devil Blood 0288-Magic Powder 0289-Magic Crystal 028A-Shoulder Piece 028B-Giant's Fingernail 028C-Giant's Gloves 028D-Hammer Piece 028E-Insect Skin 028F-Insect Jaw 0290-Strong String 0291-Sparkle String 0292-Speckled Skin 0293-Hard Horn 0294-Scorpion Tail 0295-Scorpion Pincer 0296-Panther Claw 0297-Rage Fang 0298-Wolf Fang 0299-Quality Fur 029A-Bull Horn 029B-Bird Wing 029C-Wind Crystal 029D-Fur 029E-Root 029F-Spore 02A0-Poison Powder 02A1-Plant Stem 02A2-Strong Vine 02A3-Fish Fossil 02A4-Water Crystal 02A5-Tortoise Shell 02A6-Fire Crystal 02A7-Hood 02A8-Skull 02A9-Broken Hilt 02AA-Broken Box 02AB-Fairy Dust 02AC-Little Crystal 02AD-Wooly Furball 02AE-Missing Page 1(Fireball) 02AF-City Data 02B0-Yue Swap Ticket 02B1-Blessing Pendant 02B2-Memento Ring 02B3-Holy Book 02B4-Barrett's Book 02B5-Red Scarf 02B6-Letter 02B7-Stethoscope 02B8-Engagement Ring 02B9-Crystal Ball 02BA-Round Stone 02BB-100-Rose Bouquet 02BC-Tanya's Sword 02BD-Shade Stone 02BE-Messhilight Ore 02BF-Secret Letter 02C0-White Stone 02C1-Lapis Lazuli 02C2-Old Holy Book 02C3-Rollabouti 02C4-Grimoire Scale 02C5-Grimoire Sword 02C6-Stoller Chalice 02C7-Sunset Road 02C8-Round Rock 02C9-Missing Page 1(Water Laser) 02CA-Missing Page 1(Life Drain) 02CB-Missing Page 1(Cure) 02CC-Missing Page 1(Stone Spike) 02CD-Missing Page 1(Sonic Wind) 02CE-Missing Page 1(Medication) 02CF-Missing Page 1(Shine) 02D0-Missing Page 2(Fireball) 02D1-Missing Page 2(Water Laser) 02D2-Missing Page 2(Life Drain) 02D3-Missing Page 2(Cure) 02D4-Missing Page 2(Stone Spike) 02D5-Missing Page 2(Sonic Wind) 02D6-Missing Page 2(Medication) 02D7-Missing Page 2(Shine) 02D8-Masu Trout 02D9-Squid 02DA-Taimen 02DB-Sardine 02DC-Char 02DD-Chub 02DE-Glitter Snapper 02DF-Skipjack 02E0-Turbot 02E1-Gibelio 02E2-Salmon 02E3-Mackerel 02E4-Needlefish 02E5-Pike 02E6-Sunsquid 02E7-Shrimp 02E8-Snapper 02E9-Lover Snapper 02EA-Rainbow Trout 02EB-Flounder 02EC-Blowfish 02ED-Yellowtail 02EE-Crucian Carp 02EF-Tuna 02F0-Girella 02F1-Fall Flounder 02F2-Cherry Salmon 02F3-Lamp Squid 02F4-Lobster 02F5-Pond Smelt 02F6-Can 02F7-Boot 02F8-Rock 02F9-Branch 02FA-Wood
Max Lumber
12134FBC 0000E0FF Relationships Good Relationship with 5 Monsters Press Select + Left 94000130 FFDB0000 C0000000 00000004 22135CC6 0000000A DC000000 00000014 D2000000 00000000 Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Friendship Max Press Select + UP 94000130 FFBB0000 C0000000 00000006 021369EB FFFFFFFF DC000000 00000004 D2000000 00000000 Chapter 1 Love Max Press Select + Down 94000130 FF7B0000 C0000000 0000000B 12136A46 0000FFFF DC000000 00000002 D2000000 00000000 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Friendship Max Press Select + UP 94000130 FFBB0000 C0000000 00000006 02136A18 FFFFFFFF DC000000 00000004 D2000000 00000000 Chapter 2 Love Max Press Select + Down 94000130 FF7B0000 C0000000 0000000B 12136A46 0000FFFF DC000000 00000002 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FF7B0000 C0000000 00000006 02136A72 FFFFFFFF DC000000 00000004 D2000000 00000000
.................................SEMOGA BERMANFAAT DAN SELAMAT BERMAIN..................................
cara cheat item gimana?
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